India is divided - not on political issues or issues of borders. But it is divided in terms of values, culture, climate, languages, etc. Division on the basis of language, climate and cultural aspects is a fact known to many. We all read during school that "India is land of diversity...", we named that division as diversity.
The difference is that this cultural diversity has increased with new variations of existing culture coming into effect as well as new definitions for age old values sprouting up. Change is seen in all areas, making this diversity a striking fact. Change is common and it is to welcomed. Else, life would be monotnous and dull. But, this change also effects human relations, thinking, it effects every walk of life.
It is this change that is seen today, making the youth confused, making the generation gap visible in people who are born with two to three years of difference, etc. Sometimes, its even spoiling the relationships with elders.
Increased death rate by heart failure in youngsters and youth due as a result of increased stress levels, increasing display of carefree attitude, loss of childhood for kids, all these are effects of change in a negative way.
Gone are the days when being a child meant enjoying the life they wish, without caring for exams or competition or high percentage or rather homework. Very few kids of today are enjoying these pleasures, pleasures that are very valuable to a kid.
Gone are the days when majority of the woman are confined to the thresholds of the house and men recognised as bread winners for the family. Roles have reversed in many families. A girl in the family reaching 18 years means its time to search for groom is a bygone in many families, yet its the situation for many a gal.
Women are reaching out to the world, extending their career, yet, there are instances of foetus deaths and child marriages. Men being subjected to harrasment is as common as women facing the harrasment. Unfortunately, only woes of a woman are spoken out and considered by many. It is still a common notion that Men are meant to be brave, never let their emotions out; Women are weak by nature, they should limit themselves to softwork.
All the above points would be the point of focus for some of my bolg entries. I have my thoughts and feelings on the above issues. Many times, I feel that we are fooling ourselves in the name of values and many times leading a wayward life on the name of freedom. I want to put my feelings and thoughts in writing. I invite discussions on these issues, cos, I believe that sharing of thoughts would always enlighten a person and an healthy argument is required in every aspect, to know the other side of the coin.
All these are my thoughts, the thoughts that crop in my mind when I think of any thing, and these include both negative and positive thinking.