Yesterday, I was reading Da Vinci Code. I heard about the book, and brought it, but never spent on it. but, when I opened it yesterday, I couldnot sleep till I completed it.
The book was very intresting in two ways:
1. The Subject, related to religion and challenging of many established notions. * why I said notions, instead of facts, I will reveal later
2. Use of Cryptology and Matematics in the chase
Though I am called a Hindu by religion, by birth, I studied in different missionary schools, Ramakrishna Mission, Nirmalite Convents (HQ at Vatcian City, under direct influence of Pope) and some other schools. And by nature, I am intrested in history and read a lot to know things about different places.
These schools did have their effect on me, I came to know about Jesus, the differences between Catholics and protestants, the different Aspects of Hinduism, and many things. I am still a Hindu, but I learnt to enjoy the good things of other religions. This is something about me. I am telling this as the topic that I am dealing with today is avery controversial and but this is to not to hurt any one, just a quest to find the answers for questions boggling me for a while.
As a student, I learnt about the European history and also read a great deal from the Graduation books, borrowing others books. The following are the issues that have been bothering me for a long long time...
1. When we speak about Christ, we never mention that Christ is a Bachelor. Is he married or Unmarried
2. What is the role of Christ's 12 Apostles in the time after his crucification?
3. Why are two Testaments present, Old and New and why do they differ in different aspects
4. Is Jesus having any siblings
5. Where did he spend the time that he was reported to be disappearing from the Roman Empire. I read that he was seen as a young kid and then as a youngman, there is no description of his teenage.
The above are based on Bible, while the below are based on the incidents described by Historians
1.Wy did Renaissance Happen
2. Why should the Church get divided into two, Catholic and Protestant
3. What exactly were the resaons behind the various major incidents that rocked Europe from 14th century to 18th Century, Like changes in ruler of Throne of England, various movements, etc
So many things that I cant explain here. Yesterday, when I was reading the book, I was first Startled. And then it became intresting.
The book propagates a theory that Jesus was indeed married and that the whore mentioned in Biblical verses, Mary is none other than his wife, etc. It also mentioned that both Jesus and Mary belonged to a Royal Bloodline and that the line is still continuing to date.
And the proceedings of the book went on to describe about Holy Grail, Mary and her successors and the chase was an attempt to find the Holy Grail and see that its intact, untouched by people and thus hiding the secret.
The use of Crypto Analysis in finding the clues is really great and Author needs to be applauded for that.
I was still skeptical whther the contents were true or not, but then to my astonishment, when I ran a quick search in Google, I did find that many were true. The book is not completely true, it seems to be part fiction, giving asubstansial support to the notion that Jesus was married.
Please read this here to know about Priory Sion, the secret society to which Leonardo Da Vinci is said to have been a Grandmaster. And BBC is running a show on the same.
After reading all these, my doubts have increased and now, I am in a quest to find the truth, the truth behind all these things.
History is always intriguing on its part, and History is nothing but the documented version of a person or more that one person's life, either by themselves or others. history can be tweaked to suit the needs of the hour. To prove what we say, we need documented support.
And I am aare that this quest is no ending, considring the above facts. But, yes, I will do my best to find what ever I can.
I made some intresting points while reading the book, and I will present them slowly here.
Again, if my views hurt anyone, either those expressed here or those that I a m going to do, please excuse me, These are purely my personal views. If you wish to make any comments, please leave them here.