Management JokeOne person comes to a farmer and says that he wants some work and he is without food for the last two days. The farmer replies that he wants a hard working person. The person says, ‘ I am prepared to do any work’. The farmer takes him to his farm and tells him to shift a haystack from one place to another. The farmer thinks that if he can do it by evening, then he is a good worker. Then the farmer goes off to do his other work. When the farmer comes for lunch, the person has finished the job. The farmer says, ‘you are hired’.Next day he takes him to his other field. He tells him that it’s a sloping field and he has to dig up and spread the soil so as to level it. The farmer estimates that this will require two days. By evening, our efficient farm hand has finished the job.On the third day, the farmer gives him a sack of potatoes and says, ‘ Some of the potatoes are rotting. Please segregate the good ones and bad ones.’The farmer calculates that by lunch time the job should be done.When he comes back at lunch time, he is surprised to see the sack is nearly full, there are two small heaps of good and bad potatoes and the fellow is sitting there holding his head in his hands.‘Come on, what happened now, what’s the problem?’‘Sir, I am prepared to do any amount of hard work. But don’t ask me to do any decision making!’